The low pressure of the municipal water supply was sorted out and a new wate meter was installed by the municipality. This caused a signficnat increase in water pressuse (good thing) and major leaks in the aging reticulation system, three by the houses and one near the misting house.
New joints and help by E&R

The hiking trail in the Wild Forest was further explored with a tree naming walk with Karl and Greame

A hiker in trouble was rescued on the Boulder Trail. We were not involved.

All plumbing pipes were stolen plumbing from one of the houses (Luyanda). E&R helped fixing this.

Because of the pandemic the nursery has been somewhat neglected and thanks to a major weeding effort by Chris/Marikie it was greatly improved.
The Wild Forest exploration continued.
There we a few cases of walkers missing the turnoff on the River Walk so we provided a sign
There was also confusion at the turnoff to the Boulder Trail so we put another sign on the River Walk pointing to the exit.

For our monthly meeting we did the Wild Forest trail.

The looking after and grouping of plants in the nursery continued.
There was concern about suspicious visits to the reserve at night through the back entrance so we organize and installed a back gate. Soon the lock was stolen.
We took it upon ourselves to help Speelman with hacking at Theescombe as this wetland was totally overrun with aliens and it was impossibe to do it by himself. We managed the main section but stopped when we got threatened by a local resident.

In the nursery we removed some big roots of a fig tree and levelled the area so it is accessible by wheelbarrow again.
Ellie and Rudi were awarded the Paul Harris Fellow award by Rotary for their work for the environment.
After trying for a long time to get people to help with clearing the wattle trees and bluegums along the boundary stream we started ourselves with the help of Vusi.

We are not immune to the increasing criminality and had a burglary of the Fovs room. Brush cutter, various tools and our weather station were among the stolen items.

E&R varnished the bird hide and made new sign.

A family planted a memorial tree in the arboretum. We provide a Podocarpus for the purpose.
As part of the stream clearing we opened up a trail in what we now call \’The Stream\’. Work is ongoing.
We replaced the stolen chainsaw.
Work on Fire planted numerous trees on the picnic sites as part of Arbor Day.

On the Ladyslipper we rediscovered the Erica sagittata after the fire.
A scaled down version of The Open Day took place. No running or cycling, just the plant sale. In spite of this we still had a good turnout.

The Sit on Mower remains a questionable subject. It got badly damaged on contact with a rock. A new part got sourced and it is working again for a while.

A pump providing water for the vegatable patch by the school got stolen and the pipes damaged. We helped with fixing the pipe work so at least the tanks keep water again.

We replaced the stolen brushcutter.