Wednesday, 03 March 2011
The mission today was to get the pipe to the manhole at the quarry. We got stuck last time at the pine tree and no matter what we tried we could not get the 32mm pipe through.

We still wanted to have something to show for our effort and left the tree for what it was and carried on with the other side, we carefully measured out the 100m distance, found and dug up the pipe and then pushed the pipe through with all our might (no blockages this time, wow) only to find that we had measured 1 meter short which meant a bit more digging and led another pipe the remaining distance to the manhole.
We finished quite early so it was time for lunch and a deserved rest:

Time to tackle this tree again, if you can’t beat it go around was the motto, a combination of pick, small trowel and billy got us this:

Turned the tap on and sweet, fast flowing water by the manhole, another successful day.