With the temporarily demise of our weather station (making good progress fixing it) we are not quite sure how hot it was, it must have been close to 40 degrees. Rob and Keith went out hacking anyway but came back early as it was unbearable. Good time for Cathy and Ellie to take some trays of seedlings out of the misting house and plant them up.
I had prepared some more brackets and got some wood to replace the badly rotted wood holding the fibreglass sheets in place and the misting house was a good place to be working.

Thanks to Ellie’s help it went much quicker than last week to put the brackets on and soon I was busy putting up the shelf and fixing the sheets.

Pity this is now covered with plastic so you can’t see anymore how perfectly straight it is.
In the afternoon Rob painted his garage door lock, I put a hose pipe connector by the watering drums, collected some Elaeodendron zeyheri —small-leaf Saffron seeds and on the way home got six bags of sawdust from the sawmill for the seed trays.