I have been amiss lately to maintain this blog. Various reasons including lots of work at home with signage etc. which meant an overdose of Van Stadens with accompanying withdrawal symptoms.
I will try and catch up but first here is a not exhaustive list (though just compiling it made me feel exhausted).
Week 32
Tidy and brush cut new paths
Clean around young trees
Take rocks to Gem
Talk to Goodman re mesh
Brush cut around Gem
Cut down dead Widdringtonias - Traffic circles
Prune Leonitus
Plant more vygies - Nursery
Move sprinkler pipes
Fix entrance gate
Level path
Group plants by signs
Make missing signs
Mix potting soil
Repot vygies
Rebag broken bags - Greenhouse
Sort out sprinklers - Mist house
Check cutting
Take out cordifolium
Plant Streptocarpus
Tree cuttings? - Braai
Put up sign
Level grit
Tidy wood stack - Signage
Mount missing 3Dam signs
Rocks and logs 3Dam
To Braai sign
Start/End Nymph trail signs
Arrow under bridge - Brabejam
Cut Ericas
Drag away keurbooms - Main Picnic
Sisani to move logs to Ramble
Chainsaw more logs
Plant more trees - Tilapia dam
Cut and poison Keurboom on island - Shade house
Affix stay wire
New stranded wire on top
Lower water pipe
Sort out side poles
Move some vibracrete to widen path - Front of Conference
Dig up Podylaria
Cut and poison Strelizias - Other
Big Strelizia by dam
Big Bang clear centre
Brush cut Nymph sections