It was a whirlwind of activities today with the main focus getting the nursery back in shape again after the sale. Of course the other chores do not stop so Rob and Cathy attended to this month’s section of the hacking program while Jenny looked after the trees in the Arboretum.
In quick succession these were the items on the list which were done:
- Plaster the chipped off pieces of concrete on the sides of Rob’s 3rd bench.
- Replace leaking stopcock by the storage drums
- Add a tap by the storage drums so we can use the piped water for cleaning.
- Replace clogged sprays in the greenhouse
- Bag up 50 Clivias and Aloes.
- Put a tall spray at the corner of the platform.
- Group all same species in the shade house together
- Move all larger Proteas to the platform.
To our surprise and delight two chaps from Working for Fire offered to help us and they collected 10 marsh plants from behind the house and then proceeded to dig up the rest of the vibracrete panels in the old spray area. We now have a nice pile to use to replace the rotting pallets in the shade house.
At teatime we discussed what needs to be grown and propagated in the near future as the sale put quite a dent into our stock especially the trees.
Late in the afternoon we still went for a quick collection trip and enjoyed the many plants coming up in the burnt area, amongst them these two:

Morea spathulata and Satyrium membranaceum