Unseasonal, that’s the best word to describe the weather today. The heat got a bit unbearable at times and we did our best to stay out of the sun.
First thing we did was to check the pond, still full so all leaks were fixed and some buck spoor around it so we were happy about that. Then we connected the hosepipe to the irrigation system and located the next leak only 3 meters from the one we fixed last time. Not sure if we had caused it ourselves when we traced the pipe last year but it looked very much caused by a pick. Throughout the day we first dug around the leak, put a patch on and poured some concrete around it so next time we will be able to find the next leak.
It was shady around what we call ”Bob’s burial” so that was a good spot to work, something we wanted to do for quite a while already so rocks were dug up, plants trimmed and/or relocated and we are quite pleased with the result:

Looks messy on the photo though, much better in real time. There are some lovely Boophane growing on that rockery.

Next I walked the paths armed with secateurs to trim invading shrubs and branches, everything is nice and clear now, while Ellie attacked the remnants of the anthill on Merika’s Mound and I lent a hand digging up the rocks so that bit also got a make-over:

Again, the photo does not do it justice. We need more specimens to plant there, time to raid the nursery.
We ended off in the arboretum by doing some weeding such as Bryophillums and other unwanted weeds before relocating to the circle by the entrance where we tackled a small section of flower bed totally overgrown with kikuya grass. It made a big difference but far from perfect yet.
Ended off with a chat to Goodman, important to keep keep good relations and also for him to keep track of what we are doing. Sounds like he is quite serious about the spring festival so watch this space.