At long last some respite from the drought and high temperatures that we have experienced the last few weeks. It rained throughout the night and it was still raining when we were on our way to the reserve. Fortunately as soon as we arrived it stopped and we could work in relatively cool and overcast conditions.
Rob and Ellie busied themselves arranging the shade house and carting plants from there to the general nursery area:

while I sorted out the leak in the irrigation system by cutting the broken piece off and gluing a stopper on:

I also took the opportunity to get Jackson to dig around the unnecessary sprinkler so I could remove that one to prevent future mowing accidents.
The nursery is starting to fill up nicely:

After that it was full steam ahead with replacing the roofing sheets on the greenhouse, working conditions were so much better. Ellie got Samantha into gear to pot up more plants in the greenhouse and then levelled the soil at the back so we could put the paving slabs down to create a place where we can keep potting soil. The access hatch is not quite finished yet at home. Rob escaped and went to attack some more aliens.
When all that was done and lunch was had the remainder of our desk tops got sanded and the first coat of varnish put on. It looks way too good for a working room but it was such a pity to see that beautiful wood so messed up.
Ellie was determined to do some more gardening in Jenny’s circle while I checked up on various things riding the bicycle and then we ended off with a leisurely walk through the arboretum and a good look at the entrance circle where the Pelargoniums are just amazing. We were pleased to see that Pottaman has delivered the first scoops of soil for the western arm so progress there too.