Went out today with the sole purpose of stringing the wires for the windbreak. I had made a nifty gadget to tighten the wires and it worked so well it lifted the poles out of the ground so it turned out to be a bit of a disaster. It did not make me a happy chappie.

The whole thing was flopping around as well because the droppers also did not give enough support.
I explained the problem to Tony and he suggested to fashion some stay wires from a metal pole and some wire. So we hunted through the stores and we found one, cut it in half with their ancient and dangerous angle grinder and made the poles solid again but the droppers were still no good.
We then found a piece of wood in the FOVS room and fashioned a support out of it and suddenly the problem was solved. Felt a whole lot better after that.
After lunch we checked on the brambles by the bird hide and discovered that the poison had no effect at all so we need something more potent. We then took our frustration out on some more clearing of the path.