Last year the picnic bench at the Bridge Lookout disappeared and, thanks to Ellie’s efforts, the Botanical Society kindly agreed to donate one.
We asked for delivery on the day of our monthly meeting so we would have enough able bodies to mix some concrete to make this bench a little more difficult to remove.
The weather had been pretty miserable overnight, fortunately it cleared as we arrived and first everybody got stuck in to plant more trees in the newly cleared patch in the arboretum and then it was all hands on deck to put the bench in place.

Holes were dug, one spade wide, one spade deep and then the hard work of mixing the concrete, two big drums full.

Plenty of consultants and supervisors made sure Neil did a good job.

Time to put the securing bolts in the bottom.

Of course we made sure that things won’t roll off the table.

Clayton and Marieke, the Botanical Society’s representatives, checking that everything was up to standard.

Adriaan got his hands dirty but seemed to enjoy it.

All happy with a job well done!

And a special cake by a special masterchef to celebrate afterwards!