As I was not completely satisfied with the first log bench I made for the braai area I had a go at making another one and I must say I am happier with this one.

Apparently Goodman was too as he gave it the thumbs up. We ended up having an impromptu meeting about various things going on in and around the reserve. This is a good thing to keep communication going but not so good to get things done.
After tea though we got going with the cleaning up of yet another tree while Neil carried on with the shade house extension, almost ready to put the shade cloth on, put plastic down and move some plants. Rob and Cathy have decided to hack after tea as well because otherwise the monthly program just does not get finished.
In the afternoon we distributed the pile of pine logs in the arboretum, it looks a bit untidy now though once the grass has grown it should form a nice border and hopefully home for some insects and snakes.

When that was done we returned to the nursery because the nursery has gotten the stepchild treatment lately and it shows. Especially the vygies need lots of weeding and some repotting. Unfortunately we have to make that our first priority from now on and drop something else.
Goodman has promised lots, clear along the pipe before the burn, have a hole dug to find the water connection to the braai, push the dead blue gum stalks over, clean up logs, plant trees so we live in hope.