I see it is nearly a month ago since I last blogged, since then quite a few things have happened. Not least of those is the building of a bird hide at the edge of the Arboretum. Iām ashamed that I have not yet taken a photo of the structure, an omission which will surely be corrected with the next blog.
The cutting down of the big aliens has been quite controversial with some folk. The ignorance about aliens and the effect on the environment is astonishing, they would gladly see the reserve overrun by hakea, blue gums, pines, bryophyllums etc. and not lift a finger to prevent it. Goodman is actually quite worried about aliens and is planning a controlled burning program to try and keep the indigenous flora from being wiped out.
In the meantime we have merrily continued cutting the Nymph trail, it took a bit of intentional meandering to end up at the right spot on the dam wall of the Lilly Pond but we did:

It took a few sessions to lead the path from the Lilly Pond to the old explosives store and beyond and we finished it during the early March monthly meeting. Since then we spoke nicely to Pottaman to mow the remainder of the old tracks and we should end up with quite a nice circular walk.

It is difficult to photograph a winding path, hopefully the above pics will give some idea. Trail Adventures had a sneak preview of the trail and Sheena liked it so much that she organized a training run for the 12th of April.

Pottaman also had a go at levelling some of the cycling trails, it definitely did work, now it remains to be seen if they will be used a little more.
The Voetsac club came out for a walk and afterwards used the braai, this inspired me to organize a small family get-together there for my birthday which was most enjoyable.

With all the activities on the go one would almost forget the botanical side of things, not so, we took time out to go and admire the gorgeous Cyrtanthus staadensis along the River Walk.

In the coming weeks we will steadily work away all the cut down logs and branches and make sure that the thirty-plus newly planted trees survive. We also desperately need to do some work in the nursery as the weeds are thriving and the pigs have been digging, if only the naysayers and critics would contribute in a positive way and come and lend a helping hand.