Saturday, 07 May 2011
Yesterday a quick runout with Neil to reassemble the pesky join and, as we were advised by a plumber, cast the whole lot into concrete so it would be able to withstand the pressure for sure. While we did this Ellie did a quick run up and down Ladyslipper and came back enthusing over the wonderful fynbos up there.
Back to today’s meeting. Wesley popped in for a short while and it was great to see him well and fit again after his operation in Cape Town. First the changes to the constitution got approved and general matters arising attended to, we discussed the history and progress of the pipeline with Dave Raimer who gave us some good tips and then we ventured outside into the inclement weather to lay tape to indicate the pipeline route from the N2 to the new nursery for Goodman who has promised that his guys will dig a trench for us there.
I tried to convince the group that the weather was good enough to go and work but they were more interested in seeing the presentation about our overseas cycling trip last year so I had to fire up the projector and do my talk whilst enjoying coffee and cake. It was good though to talk to an interested audience.
Luckily there was a break in the drizzle just when the official proceedings were over so our dedicated group got stuck into unrolling two more lengths of pipe, connecting them back from the N2, then feeding it into the old pipe and lastly digging a section of trench to bypass the clogged pipe. Lunch was had in the shelter of the hut in the old nursery.
Everyone worked extremely hard and, after last weeks burnout story, it was a real team effort and we made very good progress. In fact we now have connected pipe all the way from source to the other side of the National Road. Now we start believing again there will be an end to this story one day.

The unrolled pipe and Rob going at it to dig the pipe in across the track.

Cutting the old pipe

Having a rest and a view along the trench

The ladies enjoyed playing in the sand.
And then, just when we were nearly finished, the heavens opened and in thirty seconds we were totally drenched, about 50mm fell in just a few hours, who said we needed water?