At last the rebuilding of the picnic bench out of the remnants of the old ones was finished in my workshop and, rather than re-assembling it on a Wednesday with all the accompanying distractions, we decided to go out on Saturday and take our time about it. I had marked out all the pieces so it would be a cinch to put it back together and, with a few minor hitches, so it turned out to be.

You can see someone had wielded the big hammer again so, while I puzzled out the pieces Ellie got stuck into clearing the rubble. We decided to put the bench in the seating area away from the smoky fire, we’ll have to see if that is a practical solution.

Nearly finished, just the seats to be bolted on. In the old days these benches were built to last and I added the cross members for extra measure so hopefully a few more years were added to its life.

Here we sit with satisfied smiles on our faces after a job well done. Time to go for a walk in an area we don’t often visit as generally we just drive the road to the start of the Forest Walk but there is lots to be discovered in the patch of fynbos along this road including this lovely dam.

As we already have a Lilly Pond we named this one the Nymph Pond due to the abundance of Nymphea not, unfortunately, due to the presence of some mythological handsome maidens.
Lastly we strolled through the arboretum and distributed some coffee grinds in the vain hope to discourage the porcupines and admired this lovely patch of bulbs the have left alone so far.