The alarm went off rather early to be at Van Stadens in time to do all the usual things such as putting the tables out, banners up, organizing stalls etc.
First off were the runners, there were about 120 of them and the comments afterwards were very positive. Perhaps the ideal weather after a week of a lot of wind helped with that.

Jane giving instructions beforehand.
The cyclist had a smaller turnout than before, there are a lot of events lately and our tracks are too easy for the average riders even though for the toughies there was the possibility to go ride at Woodridge. Still, it brings in more potential customers.
Pre-nine o\’clock we had our usual early customers but our wheelbarrow drivers were not there yet so we had a good reason to stick to the official opening times.

Soon though we had a steady stream of people coming in which was different from previous years as then we had definite peaks and valleys. Our stall holders were very happy with their turnover as well.

Ellie’s usual persistence had paid off and for the first time in 26 years we had a councillor, Mr Bongani, visiting us and giving a speech. This was a welcome boost for the staff.

To mark the special occasion we got Mr. Bongani to plant a Scotia in front of the conference center.

All in all we can look back on our most successful Open Day yet. It will be quite a job to replace all the plants sold but we are all motivated to do even better next year.