For a while we have been interested in getting some weedguard rather than plastic for the nursery because the plastic doesn’t last very long so when Neil managed to get some at a very good price we jumped at at.
Slight hitch, we had to collect it straight away and off we went with the trailer in tow. We were in for a bit of a shock though as the roll was much bigger and heavier than we bargained for. Nevertheless, the forklift put it on the trailer and it didn’t sag too badly and the tires looked all right so we decided to give it a go.

Going not more than 80 on the N2 we managed to get safely to the Reserve and now we needed to get it off with just the two of us and no forklift and I came up with clever ideas of using a shelf as a roll off ramp but you can see Ellie’s much better solution in the picture.
It landed with quite a thud and all we could do was to roll it alongside the Fovs room as it was way too unmanageable for us to put inside.

We were also pleasantly surprised that Tony and/or Speelman had kept their word and removed all the poles from the spray area outside the shade house. It looks so much better already and hopefully I’ll get some help taking the vibracrete out in due course.