At the moment it is heads down getting the nursery in order and propagating/potting stuff so there isn’t anything interesting to blog about our activities on Wednesdays.
I noticed that our weather station had stopped communicating with the internet and that bugged me so much that we just had to go out yesterday to find out what happened and it was also a good opportunity to take another trailer full of Agapanthus and Protea we had potted up at home. Turned out it was the same issue as last time, flat batteries. I really must sort out a power supply for it when I have nothing else to do for Fovs.
We were determined not to get sucked into doing work, difficult to do when there is so much outstanding, and instead enjoyed some of the things we have instigated.
It is a good time of the year to wander around with a lot of spring flowers out so we just strolled along the Nymph Trail doing lots of flower sniffing and figuring out where some of the places we have read about in the recently discovered admin files where located.

First stop though was the misting house where Ellie was quite chuffed to see the Sterculia cuttings sprouting out and some of the seedlings doing really well. We need to expand our capacity there a bit quite soon if we want to propagate more cuttings and seed.
Near the Lilly Pond which we now know is actually Dodds Dam we found some interesting trees.

Canthium inerme and Acacia caffra
We also spotted some fingerlings in the dam so Neil’s efforts have not been in vain. While doing that a large flock of Drongo’s congregated around the bird hide, quite a lovely sight.

The path along the Big Bang back to the parking area now looks great after the mowing and other maintenance for the Open Day, a pleasure to walk it!