Our fist meeting of the year midway February. As turnouts go it was quite good but a new worrying trend is developing. Some people are quite happy to attend but are not working so the few willing horses are rather overburdened. On top of that little interest in what has so far been done nor suggestions what we could do to make it more interesting.
In spite of this the hacking team did a great job cutting down a number of aliens on a fairly difficult to reach spot above the River Walk.

I had busied myself in the meantime sorting out some things in the misting house and then moving lots of vygies from the shade house to the main nursery. This moving of plants between greenhouse, shade house and main nursery is really inefficient, the wheelbarrow still works the best even though the shape does not allow many bags in one go.
After tea we showed the rest of the group the new veggie garden. Amongst the comments were that it would be a great feeding ground for the wildlife in the Reserve, I don’t quite think that was the idea and time will tell.

Lastly we noticed a leaking tap by the school, Neil and I couldn’t help ourselves and fixed it.

When everybody had gone we still did a bit of blanket stitching by the shade house to keep the shade cloth from flapping, something I had hoped someone in the group would have done.