It could have been lonely out there today as no-one of the usual Wednesday crew turned up except the two stalwarts but thankfully first Noxolo and Samantha lent a hand in the shade house and later Tony did the same in the Arboretum.
What started out as a simple weeding session in the shade house turned into a significant makeover when we decided to replace the pallets with the dug out slabs.

Not before its time so to see. As we were busy in that corner we also dug out another tire for Samantha’s veggie garden.

What looked like a weed infested mess a few days ago now at least looks semi professional.
After a late an quick teatime we turned our attention to the arboretum to carry on with what had been started on Saturday. Team Ellie mulched/composted all trees Keith had prepared and then put “dykes” around more trees and also mulched those. In the meantime team Rudi got stuck into cleaning up all the branches and trees Neil had cut down and made another boundary with them.
Not even a persistent drizzle could dampen the enthusiasm and this resulted again in a late lunch.
After lunch Tony joined us, initially to pick up some easy firewood and I inspired him somehow to lend us a hand. In no time at all most of the branches were cleared and we even had time to pull out Podalyrias, Chrysanthemoides, Keurboom and some other unwanted “weeds”

In the middle of the job, some have been cleared.

As we left it.
At the start of the River Walk the Protea seedlings are like hairs on a dogs back so we dug some up in the middle of the path and back in the nursery Ellie potted them up only to find that those few amounted to over a hundred!
To our horror we found evidence of slugs again in the misting house, hopefully the snail bait will do its job.
Lastly, it was also good to see three of the staff spending the afternoon in the nursery weeding, I’m starting to wonder if someone read my “Issues” blog of a few days ago.