We had our monthly meeting today with the best turnout to date. Our guest speaker. the well known raptor expert Arnold Slabbert must have been an excellent draw card. He made it very clear to us that treating problem animals such as rodents with rat poison is a very bad practice and he showed us lots of pictures of the disastrous outcomes as far as raptors and especially owls are concerned. Hopefully the people present will now apply the much better alternatives he showed us.
At the end of the talk there were so many questions and anecdotes that Arnold had trouble to get away to his next appointment. It is good to see someone so dedicated to a better, healthier environment.
When all the visitors had left, hopefully to explore the Reserve a bit further, it was time to light the fire for the first braai in our new area. The area is far from ready for bigger groups so this was for committee members only to test it out.

The consensus was that the area definitely needs more shade, the fireplace needs a bit more work, there should be some seating and perhaps some informative posters.
Various ideas were bandied about and we settled on Rest-io braaiplace so our local artist (moi) will have to come up with some design (suggestions welcome!).

A pleasant time was had by all and I think this was the start of a good tradition.