We chose to ignore the warnings of rain, after all, it said “clearing from the west”. The soil is now so saturated that we don’t really want to drive in the nursery because we make rather deep tracks but just walking from the office to the nursery one needs a wetsuit.

It was still drizzling on arrival so just as well that I first had to cut some braces for the shade house so the Fovs room got metamorphosed into a workshop with due protection for our shiny table tops. The braces got installed between showers and it starts to look promising.

Plenty of plants for the sale, just hope that the weather will be better than.
After lunch we took some time out for a drive around the newly surfaced perimeter road and spotted this new sign to Rob’s roost:

Well done, now the actual bench needs a lick of varnish and it will look real spiffy.