Due to three days of persistent rain we shifted our working day to Thursday and, oh boy, a working day it was.
First though a meeting in the Flower House with Goodman to make sure we have all our ducks in a row for the Open Day, good to see that the girls had a go at naming the specimens correctly. We are happy with the rain, just hope that it will be dry enough before the Open Day to grade the cycling tracks.
Keith and Rob went and staked the trees that were planted on the geocaching day last Wednesday while I had a go at mounting the flower poster on the side of the potting shed and Ellie and Cathy started to sort out the shade house and paint more dots.
For some reason everybody felt like early coffee and then we got stuck into moving bags and bags and bags from the shade house to the platform, I hope they’ll all get sold because I certainly don’t feel like moving them back. The result is very encouraging though.

We kept it up till 3 o\’clock and then went and admired Tony’s and his crew’s handiwork at the Xhosa huts and were most impressed with the progress, all the old thatching has been removed, the inside cleaned out and even the hedge around the kraal is being spruced up.

The old thatching is used to burn the Strelizia stumps, excellent idea. With lots of imagination it looks like some modern sculpture with desperate arms reaching out for help against man’s destruction of the planet.

We checked the trees and it looks like they have transplanted well.

Now for Sunday to finish the preparation for the sale.
As far as the water supply is concerned we now have no more water from our pipe line coming in and the float in the water tank has disintegrated. Hopefully we can get to that soon after the Open Day on the 12th.