Never a dull moment, this time it was a geocaching event organized by Wikkelgat, I love the names these funny people give themselves. As part of the worldwide Geocaching day they had hidden a few new caches but the main reason was to socialise and have a braai and what better way to socialize than planting some trees and pulling out some weeds.

Here is the whole crew, no alien plant would be safe if we had this support every week.

Afterwards we did some botanizing and were amazed at the size of some of the Pelargoniums on the site where once the blue gums had been.

We checked up on the P.schizopetalum by the Lookout picnic site and it looks like it could flower soon.

Unfortunately the specimen near the bird hide has suffered from the spraying of weedkiller on the path and looks rather sick. We go a nice surprise when we popped in at the bird hide and were treated to a display by the striped mouse right in front of the hide.