Well, the reserve was deserted today, no staff in sight. Could payday have something to do with it?
The alternative management team (read FOVS) went into full swing anyway and the alien removal team got busy in the vicinity of the Bridge Lookout site and hacked patches of Australian Myrtle and also Hakea while the chainsaw team cleaned up yet another tree on the main picnic site. Our previous stack of branches had been burned as promised so we could make a new heap.

After tea we got busy rearranging the shade house. It is wonderful to have that extra space and we managed to put the plants into more logical groupings. Good time as well to do some weeding.
This took us way past lunchtime and not much else was done except a quick wade to the island to plant some Arums and give the trees there a Bounce Back boost. The trees are looking very healthy but we need to go back to clear some Virgilia which threaten to take over.
Lastly we also swung by the Arboretum to feed the trees there as well and take some measurements in the bird hide for the posters,