Various groups visiting the Reserve have expressed the desire to be able to braai in the Reserve and we have been asked to come up with suggestions how the old aviary could be used. The aviary was used a long time ago to rehabilitate poisoned or injured raptors and had turned into a real eyesore overgrown with weeds and rusty wire and other rubbish collected over time.

We decided to keep the peripheral fence but remove all internal partitions so Jackson went ahead and used his wire cutters to good effect. The old rusty mesh stayed behind but the useable pieces mysteriously disappeared, probably to construct chicken coops elsewhere. Old tree stumps, bramble and ferns were removed and it already looks fairly promising.
We added more re-potted plants to the shade house, by now Ellie must have shuttled more than a thousand plants between the nursery and home to sort out and we keep on declaring the shade house full but somehow still manage to find an empty spot for more.

Lastly I took the last of the picnic bench skeletons apart and somehow managed to injure my other leg on a protruding bolt. I should now have enough would to salvage one complete bench.