Wow, just heard that this blog is read the world over, even in such places as the US, Australia and Great Britain so I better get off my backside, or rather on it, and do some postings.
The AGM of the Algoa section of the Botanical Society was held at the reserve and the highlight for us was, of course, the awarding of a the Denys Heesom award by the Executive Director , Zaitoon Rabaney, to Rob for his splendid hacking work over the years.

We couldn’t let ourselves be outdone so we presented Rob with our own award, a lifetime supply of herbicide. We just hope that he will outlast the 2 containers.

We were also treated to an excellent talk by Dr Andre Boshoff presenting “The larger mammals of southern Africa: what the present can learn from the past”. Quite sobering to hear about the wanton slaughtering of our wildlife continuing to this day.