This blog covers the past three weeks. These days it rains on Wednesdays so we have been somewhat affected by the weather. The Reserve has a special ambiance when it is wet and misty so from that point we do not mind at all.
The Dell has been filled for quite a while now and, judging by the size, it has clearly benefited some of the plants around there.

During the week we got all the necessary fittings for the new pipe so we could install one of the taps. The idea is to put a self-closing tap by the toilet but we nearly had a heart attack when we found out the price so in the meantime we just hope people will be responsible and not let it run.

Working around the main picnic area and planting all those trees there has inspired us to cut some of the bluegums down as the ringbarking seems to have little effect.
The trees are quite large and our chainsaw can just about cope with it. We have made a fair heap of branches so far and hopefully it can be burnt soon because it all looks a bit untidy.

We had to call for help on one occasion though when one of the trees threatened to fall on the toilet, luckily with the help of the tractor we could avert disaster.

We took the opportunity to also saw some seating logs for around the braai and general braaiwood, hopefully it is still there next week. The old stumps look a bit messy but there’s very little we can do about it.

I’ve wanted to try my hand at making a bench from a log as well, it was quite a job to cut a log lengthwise.

Of course I had to try it afterwards and it looks promising.

Bartle had asked about the memorial along the River Walk and we had forgotten what the inscription says so we took a walk down there and this is it:

On the way back we had a nasty surprise, right in the middle of a lovely stand of Protea was this nasty Hakea looking quite prosperous.

We also voiced our concerns to Goodman about the lack of mowing and weeding lately and he explained about the lack of resources and assistance from the municipality. It is not a very good situation to be in but let us recognize that without the Friends of Van Stadens it would look a whole lot worse.
Not that Fovs is without issues as well, we have many people on our mailing list and on FaceBook but when it comes to work we are very thin on the ground. Best is to just ‘kyk noord en fok voort’ I guess.