We were quite keen to erect the bird hide so two days after doing the base we were on our way again with a new load of bits and pieces. On arrival at the Reserve we found a few groups of visitors looking lost so first gave them the usual story about the Reserve and where they should go. They were most appreciative and it shows the serious lack of PR for visitors.
Though the sections were smaller than the previous trip there were more of them plus the roofing sheets so we walked up and down quite a few times before we could start the job proper.
Here are the pieces of the jigsaw all nicely laid out in no particular order:

The first sections went quite quickly as amazingly the holes lined up and we didn’t tighten anything yet.

Due to the damage done by the fire we had to make the sides smaller so the new hide now has a curve to it, cute isn’t it?

We worked our way around, fitting piece by piece

The roof was a bit of a struggle but we got it on eventually and it was time for a break.

A peek inside

And there it is, still a back door and some seating and then, hopefully, the birds we chased away during construction will show themselves again.