On Wednesday the weather was quite miserable which was fortunate as it gave us an extra day to prepare for the transport of the first sections of the hide. Most sections fitted inside the trailer but the floor and two sides needed to go on top.

We needed to walk up and down quite a few times to get all the pieces to the site and then we could carry on with the digging of the holes. This turned out to be extremely difficult but the solution was easy, instead of digging deeper we cheated and cut the poles shorter!

I had high hopes of being able to drill the holes to attach the frame by portable drill but after one hole the battery was empty so the other 7 holes were done the old-fashioned way with bit and brace. We actually recycled the bolts from the burnt out rondavel in the arboretum to bolt the frame to the poles.

Once the frame was in place we could fill the holes and put the floor on top. It was a great feeling to find that the whole contraption was very sturdy. We packed the rest of the pieces we had brought on top of the floor and covered it all till the next trip.