Finally all the pieces of the hide were ready to be taken to the Reserve and assembled. First though we had to choose a place and after much debate we settled on the dam wall near the Lily Pond as from there one has very good all round views and there are even some birds which is what a bird hide is supposed to be for.
Doing the foundation proved to be hard work as the dam wall is made up of very dense clay where you can hardly get a spade in and I must admit that it was easier to cut the poles to length than it was to dig them in deeper.

Finally we had the eight poles in, put the base on and Ellie tested it for strength. It passed with flying colours.

We already had taken some pieces and kept them safe overnight.
The big day arrived and it was quite a carry from where we parked the trailer to get all the pieces to the site and then the exciting job of putting it all together could begin.

Fortunately it all fitted without a hitch. Putting it all together first at home definitely paid off,

The roof was a bit of a struggle but all worthwhile when at last we could stand inside and admire the view.

I was particularly pleased with the way the roof construction worked out.

Of course now we had to walk around the dam and admire the hide from all positions.

During the course of the next few weeks some finishing touches were made such as varnishing exposed parts, hanging doors, fixing benches etc.

Then it was time to show it to the masses and hopefully it will be used for its intended purpose.

May it long be enjoyed and, unlike the previous one, be spared from fire.