The other exciting activities lately such as bird hide, water pipe and nursery have taken the focus a bit away from the arboretum so today we spent some time there. Thankfully Jenny is making sure that the new trees do not lack water but to keep on top of the undesirables coming up after the fire is quite something else. The keurbooms and podalyrias are as thick as hairs on a dogs back and a few hours per week are just not enough to keep them under control.
It was good to sea a group of home schooling kids and their moms getting in touch with nature, visiting the unburnt section of the arboretum and then doing the Forest Walk.

After tea Ellie, Cathy and Keith carried on with the latest project of beautifying the area around the toilets while I did some much needed weeding in the shade house and Rob varnished his bench.
Lastly I made a quick trip to the bird hide to pretty up the sign.