Work to do

I have been amiss lately to maintain this blog. Various reasons including lots of work at home with signage etc. which meant an overdose of Van Stadens with accompanying withdrawal symptoms.

I will try and catch up but first here is a not exhaustive list (though just compiling it made me feel exhausted).

  • Week 32

    Tidy and brush cut new paths
    Clean around young trees
    Take rocks to Gem
    Talk to Goodman re mesh
    Brush cut around Gem
    Cut down dead Widdringtonias

  • Traffic circles
    Prune Leonitus
    Plant more vygies
  • Nursery
    Move sprinkler pipes
    Fix entrance gate
    Level path
    Group plants by signs
    Make missing signs
    Mix potting soil
    Repot vygies
    Rebag broken bags
  • Greenhouse
    Sort out sprinklers
  • Mist house
    Check cutting
    Take out cordifolium
    Plant Streptocarpus
    Tree cuttings?
  • Braai
    Put up sign
    Level grit
    Tidy wood stack
  • Signage
    Mount missing 3Dam signs
    Rocks and logs 3Dam
    To Braai sign
    Start/End Nymph trail signs
    Arrow under bridge
  • Brabejam
    Cut Ericas
    Drag away keurbooms
  • Main Picnic
    Sisani to move logs to Ramble
    Chainsaw more logs
    Plant more trees
  • Tilapia dam
    Cut and poison Keurboom on island
  • Shade house
    Affix stay wire
    New stranded wire on top
    Lower water pipe
    Sort out side poles
    Move some vibracrete to widen path
  • Front of Conference
    Dig up Podylaria
    Cut and poison Strelizias
  • Other
    Big Strelizia by dam
    Big Bang clear centre
    Brush cut Nymph sections