Mr. Pienaar
The manager retired and in 1966 Mr. Pienaar was appointed as manager. Known by most as “Pine”
A local school was build for the children of the community.
An effort to buy adjoining land for the reserve failed.
They also opened the cave for the public to view the Bushman paintings in 1966 but it was closed after 3 month due to vandalising of the painting.

Gwen Skinner explored together with Mr. Pienaar and Jim Stephaans the forest to see if it was possible to make the first nature trail in the reserve.
Mr. Pienaar introduced plants especially Proteaceae species from the Western Cape, he used to go to Kirstenbosch to get acquainted with the fauna of those areas.
The springtime show of golden and orange Mesembryanthemums and the pink Watsonias used to attract many visitors and even got write-ups in the newspapers.At the same time the Protea cynaroides and Leucospermums were blooming
It was a good thing, making people conscious of the Reserve. Though many times he had to confront flower thieves !
Some people actually tore off branches from the Proteas, hoping they would get them growing in their suburban gardens. Mr. Pierre Pienaar was furious when he caught them!
When occasional bushfire destroyed large areas of fynbos he would get very upset, seeing his “baby” all black and burnt out.
Mr. Pieter Coetzee started the indigenous nursery with plants brought down from the Grahamstown nursery. They grew them in the old nursery (now the Arboretum)
Together with Wild flower society and Mr. Pienaar they planted out lots of Proteas and installed a sprinkler system in the old nursery.
The wild flower society was against planting out more plants and the council said they must leave the rest untouched.
An enormous fire burnt the entire reserve with the exception of the forest.
Sadly Mr. Pienaar suddenly passed away in October 1980